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Veliko finančnih sredstev. Izplačila ob nastanku škodnega dogodka zagotavljajo najbolj realno oceno škode in lahko v obdobju štirih desetletij močno variirajo. Ta možnost prinaša tudi dodatne obveznosti glede sanacije kmetijskih površin, pri čemer je zanemarjeno razvrednotenje zemljišč na trgu nepremičnin. Raziskava ponuja dobro.
Matlab 2013 full crack 64bit. The first National Chemical Safety Programme (NCSP) was adopted by the Slovene Parliament in September 2006. Following the proposals and processes deriving from Rio De Janeiro Earth Summit 1992, all concerned governmental and nongovernmental sectors of the Republic of Slovenia have taken efforts to contribute first to a comprehensive intersectoral assessment of its chemical safety situation, then to the selection of the national priorities and last to the development of this programme for Slovenia covering the period 2006 - 2010. Available also in Picture source: ©Hey Paul/