Samick Bass Guitar Serial Numbers
N.B: This is a work in progress. I'd like everyone to contribute. Your help adding to this thread will help many players and guitar enthusiasts. Last updated: July 17 2007. Okay, you've just found a junk pile acoustic in your basement. It has a mark on it which is either wet damp setting in or Bo Diddley's signature.
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Your pretty sure it's Bo's signature though, so you turn to the net to confirm. Which brings us to you being here.
Is your guitar worth 44 cents or 44 thousand? Chances are it's not even worth 44 cents or his signature, but rather a good sign the foundations of your house are about to cave in. Nevertheless, if you like turning a blind eye to reality (and who doesn't), here's how to find out: Visit eBay Search for your guitar on eBay. This will give you an idea of what the market is willing to pay. Blue Books Comprehensive information and up-to-date pricing on plenty of guitars. VintAxe Multitudes of guitar catalogs.
Oct 20, 2017 - Note: Any guitar with a serial number with the prefix 'SI' is. It has a p bass style pickup and electronics in it and a samick bolt on neck.
Online Appraisal 50 bucks for an appraisal from Gruhn Guitars out of Nashville, TN. Dating your guitar If all else fails Ask us here in the forum. But please remember to provide pictures and as much information as possible. It takes us a fair bit of time to research the guitars people ask us about, so we can't check everyone.
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