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Eclipse.ini' and add at end: -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m Very interesting to make 'ant' run in the same workspace as eclipse: run + external tools options + ant + JRE • - FTP client. Mind 'Edit', 'Settings', 'Transfer', 'File exists action'. 'Default file exists action:= overwrite file'; Also you can use • - eina interessant. Players specs & diferences Player / version Fitxers T30/T42 XP4 URL Camtasia AVI 2.0.0 New HD's • Quantum Fireball EX, 3.5 series, 2,1 GB '2160A', Model ST21A103 rev 02. C=4092, H=16, S=63 => 2.160 MB (512 bytes/sector). • Quantum Fireball EX32A341, 3.5 series, 3.2 GB AT.
Interface: EIDE. Data transfer = 33,3 MB/s (UATA).
Average access time = 9,5 msg. Rotational speed = 5.400 rpm. C=6256, H=16, S=63 => 3.228 MB (512 bytes/sector). Jumpers: DS, CS, PK, Rsvd (left 2 rigth, ATA/IDE cable on the left) DS on => Master or Only. DS Off => Slave (put jumper in PK) • Caviar 22500 (AC22500 - 2,5 GB - 5400 rpm) C=4960, H=16, S=63 => 2.559,8 MB. 97531.::: ::::: OOOO 08642 3-5 or 4-6: Sigle & Master.: single. 5-6: Dual & Master.
3-4: Dual & Slave. 1-2: Cable Select. In April 2001, Maxtor Corporation acquired Quantum hard disk drive division. Consells • sw: fer backup mensual a Google Drive • sw: never use Internet Explorer - use Mozilla • sw: jamais use Outlook Express - use Opera • sw: sempre fer servir tallafocs: • sw: sempre fer PestPatrol + SpyBot • hw: dont buy a WINMODEM • hw: get a LG-8161b or LG-8162b or LG-8163b or LG-8164b DVD drive (to create Wii ISO's) • hw: get an HITACHI [Lite] CD ROM Writer (or a LiteOn LTR48125W) See good.
Here are the CD-Mate • hw: mind Linux drivers prior buying a wifi card • sw: use W2000 instead of XP • hw: get an Hitachi DVD reader • sw: use DivX on AVIs - • guindous: disable 'Automatic reboot' after a System Failure ( BSOD ) - Control Panel + System + Recovery. • guindous: dont use 'Show icon in notification area when connected', from 'Local Area Connection' properties.
• os: hard disk partition • Operating System • My Programs or Applications • My Data • Temporary Data: eMule, Azureus, Browser's Temporary Files, Swap, TEMP and TMP environment variables, etc • isolate your swapfile on its owm partition to allow it to grow and shrink, without becoming fragmented as it would be if it shared a drive with other files. Page 234, 'Windows XP Annoyances for Geeks', O'Reilly. • sw: (seguretat) • sw: fer servir CVS (AIX, or o o [] ) o DropBox. Verify compatibility:. - d'on surt la, gent que hi colabora Display (java) browser settings: Verify JRE in your system: See the JavaScript list.
Use the about:config command! Configure to JUMP to IE: • Firefox: • Opera: IE 8, Firefox 3, Opera 9.5 and Safari 3. Netscape • [] - 8.1.2 = 50 MB. C: Archivos de programa Netscape Netscape Browser defaults profile prefs.js • where is cache located? Read about:cache v 4.76 + NT: Users default Ahi hay: prefs.js y Cache 8.1.2: C: Documents and Settings hal Datos de programa Netscape NSB Profiles wfqzlf8d.default Cache • how is it set? Entre about:config in the Browser. • What is 'Identity Guard'?
• where is the mail stored? • Netscape (4.73) configuration, by editing 'prefs.js' in /Netscape/Users. See about:config in Netscape's address bar (1016 lines)! Also about:plugins, about:cache, about:memory-cache, See. • to disable Netscape Messenger (mail client) Start Page, insert (at end). Can't install updates Software installation is currently disabled.
Click Edit Options. To enable it and try again.
You click Edit Options and there is no option to enable software installation. Here's how to fix it.
Since the option to enable software installation no longer exists in the UI, you will need to use about:config to reset the 'xpinstall.enabled' preference to the default 'true' value. • Type about:config in the Location Bar and hit enter. • Type xpi in the Filter box and find xpinstall.enabled in the list. • Make sure its value is set to 'true' (double-click will toggle).
DOM Inspector 1.8 - I think this came with Firefox Greasemonkey 0.6.4 - Manages user scripts. Haven't played with yet. ViewSourceWith - allows me to choose in context menu. IBM BluePages Real-Time Enterprise Director 0.202 SessionSaver.2 - saves and restores entire sessions like Opera. Web Developer 0.9.4 -- useful for examining web pages. Image Zoom 0.2.1 -- allows zoom of text AND images. Add N Edit Cookies -- Interesting tool.
I like to change the names and values of cookies and just let them go back to their owners. All-in-One Gestures 0.17.4 - gestures like in Opera Amazing Media Browser - not sure what this one is yet. Colorful Tabs 0.3 - tabs have different colors Context Highlight 0.2 -- drag mouse over word, right click and choose 'Highlight word' and all identical words are highlighted on the page. Fetch Text URL 1.6 - highlight a URL and go to it from right click. Geolocation Plugin HTML Validator 0.7.6 - validates, using a 'native editor'.
Novela roque santeiro completa download hd. Meanwhile, mysterious facts surround Asa Branca, such as a Werewolf, a film crew who are trying to shoot a movie about Roque's story, and violent murderers. What they don't expect is that Roque is alive, and he's back to, allegedly, 'save his people'. Now Malta, Florindo, Porcina, and others must hold him down and explain the 'truth' to their commoners, in a desperate attempt to save their own bottoms.