Matematicheskaya Statistika I Ee Rolj V Medicine I Zdravoohranenii

0.6 0.6 -Teoriya-veroyatnosteiy-i-matematicheskaya-statistika.html 2013-05-30 0.6.

• 39 Downloads • Abstract The effects of alternating magnetic field (AMF) with the frequency of 50 Hz on the dynamics of unfolding of cotyledon leaves, the composition and level of polar and neutral lipids and their component fatty acids (FA) were studied in 5-day-old radish seedlings ( Raphanus sativus L. Universal Radicula D.L., cv. Rozovo-krasnyi s belym konchikom) grown in the light and in the dark.

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AMF weakened the inhibitory effect of light on unfolding of cotyledon leaves. In the light, the total content of lipids, as well as the level of polar and neutral lipids, in the seedlings in AMF was greater than in control material. In polar lipids, the total amount of glyco-and phospholipids increased; in neutral lipids, the level of triacylglycerols rose. The ratio between phospholipids and sterols (PhL/S) increased. In the dark, the total content of lipids and the level of neutral lipids in the seedlings in AMF were lower than in control material, and the ratio PhL/S decreased. In control material, there were no differences in the relative total content of unsaturated FA in the light and in the dark, whereas the level of linolenic acid was higher in the light than in the dark.

AMF induced a decrease in the content of linolenic acid in the light and a rise in the dark; the level of erucic acid in the light decreased. The ratio between unsaturated and saturated FA decreased both in the light and in the dark. It was concluded that AMF with the frequency of 50 Hz was an adjusting agent considerably changing the content of lipids in the radish seedlings in the light and in the dark.

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