How To Get Computer Serial Number In Vbnet
I tried getting Hard disk and Motherboard Serial Number from my PC. It works good in Windows 7 and Above But same code in CMD does not working for Windows XP. It Shows O.E.M to be filled or Returns Nothing wmic diskdrive get name,serialnumber,model // This is cmd to get serial num In Windows XP It Returns Error for serialnumber wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber // This is cmd to get MotherBoard serialnumber In Windows XP and Win 8 it returns in serialnumber Error like ' To be filled by O.E.M' Am looking for Best Pc Unique Id, which can return id or serialnumber for any OS and should be unique. Dil apna punjabi all song mp3 download. Please help me Thank You.
How to get Lan card number,lan card name,hard disk drive number,processor,motherboard id,c drive volume serial number and d drive volume serial number Retrieve Motherboard Serial Number on. Mar 10, 2007 How To Get Hardware Information (CPU ID, MainBoard Info, Hard Disk Serial, System Information.).
You can use (Windows Management Instrumentation) like this: Dim mos As New ManagementObjectSearcher('SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMedia') For Each mo As ManagementObject In mos.Get() Dim serial As String = mo('SerialNumber').ToString() Next Although, I've read about cases in which no serial number is returned using WMI. Another way to accomplish this would be through Platform Invocation Services (PInvoke). Article includes a download in which the author implements and to extract drive information through Interop services in VB.NET. To use either of the above outlined methods you will need ADMIN rights, a utility which seems to circumvent this can be found. Counter strike 15 derats download. If your feeling adventurous the C++/Win32 is available for you to peruse. (Check out the function 'ReadPhysicalDriveInNTWithZeroRights()').