Animaciya Planeta Zemlya

Planeta Zemlja -- pjesme i price za djecu je muzicki zabavno-obrazovni program za djecu koji se sastoji od šesnaest edukativnih pjesama prilagodenih djeci predškolskog i školskog uzrasta. Pjesme su obrade velikih svjetskih hitova, koje sa novim tekstovima na duhovit nacin obraduju razne teme interesantne djeci, kao što su: prijateljstvo, mir, pravda, dobrota, higijena, ljubav, muzika, geografski pojmovi, legendarne licnosti, mitologija, životinjski svijet i razne druge teme. Glavni likovi, djecaci Dado i Zlaja, uz svaku pjesmu pricaju kratke, poucne i duhovite price, koje, zajedno s pjesmama, na jedinstven i djeci prihvatljiv nacin obraduju teme veoma važne za njihovo zdravo i sretno djetinjstvo. Izvodaci pjesama su poznate estradne licnosti: Ðuro, Bajaga, Tifa, Žera, Loša, Tanja Ribic, Mario-Ario, Davor Gobac, Darko Ostojic Ogi, Dado Džihan, Zlaja Ivaniševic i druge poznate licnosti. Program Planeta Zemlja je izdat u originalnom pakovanju: CD sa slikovnicom u tvrdom povezu, koja sadrži tekstove i ilustracije šesnaest pjesama. Autor projekta: Zlatko Ivaniševic - Zlaja Ilustracije za slikovnicu: Dragan Rokvic -- Rokva 'Planet Earth' is a musical educational and entertaining program for children of a pre-school and primary-elementary school level, consisting of sixteen educational songs and sixteen educational short stories.

The performers of the songs are famous faces from former Yugoslavia. These include; Djuro, Bajaga, Tifa, Zera, Losa, Tanja Ribic, Mario-Ario, Davor Gobac, Darko Ostojic Ogi, Dado Dzihan, Zlaja Ivanisevic and others.


Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Although located not far off the northern coast of Russia, nested among Arctic ice-locked waters, the archipelago that is now known as Severnaya Zemlya was not formally recorded until the 20th century. Earlier explorers deemed that there was a land mass in the general area of the archipelago, such as in the report by and made in 1810 at the time of their exploration of the.

Later in the 19th century during the sailed very close to this land in 1878 but did not notice it. In 1882, Danish and naval officer, leader of the Arctic survey, set himself the goal of discovering land north of and explore the unknown northeastern limits of the. However, Hovgaard was prevented from accomplishing his objectives after having become trapped in thick ice and his expedition was unable to reach even the 's shores. Drajver periferijnogo ustrojstva bluetooth windows 7 skachatj.

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